Today has many good things in store. My wonderful beautiful friend is coming to see me today. She is so much fun, my only friend that can get my guts to laugh too. After a meditational training this evening, its sushi... visions of hamachi sashimi and unagi are rolling around in my brain....hmmmm, hotsprings and live music to follow. Last road trip with this funny/sunny friend of mine consisted of unhinged bellowing laughter as we impersonated every animal we could think of, while wearing blue wigs and pink sunglasses. Its hysterical the ways in which we can invariably interpret a donkey.
After a rough week, one that reverberated with disappointments, i am able to move forward. I stand strong, tall, and independent. I move through lifes gauntlet with a self taught manueverability, dancing, dodging, leaping, albeit smiling. However the glistening edged guillotine of unfulfilled expectations rendered me emotionally immobile, taking me out with one swift chop.
So, coming back to the understanding that my happiness, which is what we universally seek, is not derived by external events but by my state of mind.
so, deep breath, and a nod to experiences that plant seeds of growth, i move on to the next game of hopscotch...