in an ideal world, i would be actually working. but, once again, i have drifted away from that nasty 'workzone place' into my delicious little 'personal productive zone'....which right now is blogging.
i had the opportunity to visit one of the places i call home a few weekends back, the flathead valley. forest, who is my friend/boyfriend/compadre/male-counterpart/travel-buddy/muse/mystery-man..... joined me! oh and his little dog too...REX. sigh. rex and i have a very tumultuous relationship. i have never had such torrid little 'feelings' towards a dog....
glacier park.

it had been several years since i had last been to glacier and it was forests first. the first day, we chose avalanche lake as our destination. we headed up through the lush forests on a groomed walkway, with rex in tow. Yes, we did see a sign babbling something along the lines of no dogs. but i think we blinked? yea, thats what happened.
the only sign we really paid attention to was this one...

halfway up the trail, we met a forest ranger. he made us walk down. with rex. damn. all of our tails between our legs.
we decided to head BACK up the this time.
avalanche lake

it rained hard and we took cover under large pine trees...when the rain didnt let up, we decided to keep going. as forest and i spoke of more appropriate hiking apparell, we passed people slopping through the mud in flip flops and short sleeved shirts...
we continued driving up the 'road to the sun' and were tantalized by everything we saw.
saint mary's lake

we finally found a spot! in grizzly country. surrounded by service berries, which happened to be BFF with the tastebuds of grizzly bears.

we camped in the middle of around 100 campers or, how many licks does it take to get to the center? enough to where we felt safe and sound in the center.
okay, thats an exaggeration. we slept on a pebbly grade and were cold all night long. forest may have gotten the brunt of it, sleeping squished in between rex, i, and a rock posing as a thermarest.

the next day brought us looming clouds and whistling breezes. but no rain. we had pancakes and eggs in the glacial mountains and chatted about prospective weather.
Logan Pass was gorgeous. there was some sort of electricity in the air, the scents playing hide and seek in our nostrils.

we saw mountain goats and big horn sheep on their perks... probably looking down at us with the same sort of wonderment. we found hidden lake too!
hidden lake

on our drive home, we both memorable endulged in this decadent huckleberry chocolate bar from the heavens. it really was only fair, seeings how our other senses had been given the star treatment that day.