
this was officially our final night of camping.
i made snoqualamie pancakes and potatoes for breakfast...and sliced oranges.
our last morning at pismo beach...

i hit up a cafe called amor ami to do a bit of writing and rekindle my relationship with coffee. the owner, after learning i was in the photojournalism biz, brought me this.....perk after perk at this estab.

la bound.
my lala cherry was about to be popped and i was chomping at the bit.
the sun was out, in the 80's.
we rolled in at the perfect time, just beating traffic.
first stop-forests great aunt and uncle...
newell and rosemary alexander.
these two are in their 70's. but i would say teenagers at heart.
they have this great place in burbank, just over the hollywood hills.
their place is immaculate...
their bumper sticker says legalize...
their daughter, kelly was there. she went to school with anthony kiedis and flea from red hot chili peppers and said they were antisocial and total outcasts. mikey b the flea.
show business is their thing and they have appeared in numerous movies, commercials, radio shows...
it was pretty exciting, a far cry from my humble abode.
indian food on sunset paired with taj mahal beer.
after dinner, rosemary showed us forest's first audition tape...
oh, starry eyed forest. i totally get it now.

next stop, pasadena.
my girlfriend marissa was just finishing her school day and we were passing through, so naturally we were bound to meet up.
she suggested this place...which took us an hour to find...and was right around the corner.

and my ridiculously fabulous friend marissa...

this girl is totally amazing. she lives in long beach and started a homeless shelter, without a degree. after she plateaued here, she decided to go to school, get her degree in health and human development. now she is in the masters program in pasadena and was just approved on some 12 million dollar grant for some energy saving ideas for low income people. so, confident she didn't bite off more than she can chew, she is in the process of delegating, hiring, molding, and shaping this whole operation.....
i just love her.
stop 3 for the evening, san bernardino.
we stopped to see my baby cousin, leah.
she is so freakin adorable. albeit 24, i still remember her little divaliscious self with a head full of dreadies, disguised by an outer layer of brushed hair.
always the entertainer, leah.
i am so proud of her... just finished school with a bachelors in chemistry and ready for med school.
we showed up late, i met her little fluff ball dogs, and we stayed up and played the catch up game over a bottle of savignon blanc til 4 a.m.
good morning LEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love you little girl.