i am fortunate to have such an amazing tico family here. they are really some of the most upbeat, high energy, gracious people i have ever met. however, not one of them speak a lick of english.
ana larena, the mama, is a cooking goddess. from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., the table is full of different varieties of costa rican food. pineapple, papaya, bananas, vegetable trays, rice and beans, pasta, chicken breasts, garlic sea bass, fresh avocados.... it doesn´t matter what time i come home, i am greeted by ana with a smile and several different food items to choose from. i can´t keep up with the amount of food the locals eat and i just nibble here and there. it has turned into a running joke in the household. they don´t understand why i don´t want to eat alllll daaayyyyy loooong. ana just laughs at me when i tell her i am full, like there is something wrong with me.... all in good fun of course.
franz, the papa, is the comic relief of the family. he is of common height, about 5 foot 7. he, along with the rest of the family, is constantly smiling. franz works all day and comes home as jolly as when he left. very refreshing. i would to if i had a house full of delicious food, and eager family awaiting. he has a big old belly and the children make da dum da dum noises as he waddles into the kitchen to eat. it is pretty hysterical. he is very animated and is very willing to speak slowly to me in spanish so that i can pick up what he is putting down.
the oldest, diana, is a ball of energy. what i love about diana is that she is completely attentive to everything i say, full of questions, and possesses genuine care for me and my well being here.
franz, 24, is a sweetheart. he is finishing his degree in chemical engineering and knows a few words in english. he wakes at 530 a.m. and works til 4. from 4, he goes to night school and is home for dinner by 8ish. this schedule is monday through saturday.
johan, 16, is in highschool at the colegio del rosario just across the street. he is adorable and is super respectful.
the baby, bernardo, is 12. he is the cutest thing i have ever seen. total mhe seems very polite and respectful for his age as well. still a mamas boy.
the family is wonderful, and i look forward to each time i come home during the day.