Monday, July 12, 2010

slug bug

sometimes i just sit and stare at my computer screen, wondering what, amidst the unanimous topics of potential interest, i should write about. so heree goes...
i sit here in my 29.99 black cushy office chair, which is very comfortable for the price i might add. I think i got a great deal on it. but, with that being said, most of my hodge podge furniture is from craigs list, which i scored at alarmingly amazing deals. like this desk i am writing on. free.
anyways, currently i am in the throes of illness. what started as a little head cold has crept its way down my throat, past my tonsils, high-fived my uvula and has made itself at home in my lungs. this bug i have, has not been invited and is really outstaying its welcome. so, bringing in the arsenal, i have been trying to wash it out of my system with teas, tinchers, theraflu, multi-vitamins, pain relievers, garlic, sudafed, hot peppers, apple cider vinegar, water, gatorade, emergenC, rest, honey, lemon, vitamin C, steam rooms, and pots of steaming water...., new toothbrush, clean sheets, fresh air, sun, sweating it baths, fresh flowers, avoidance of ALL harmful substances (ahem...does a whole box of dove coffee ice cream bars count?), incense, candles, great movies and not so great movies...chicken noodle soup, AND straight chicken broth.... yet, the bug remains. lodged.
i know my immunities have a black belt, because i haven't had so much as a head cold in 2 years.... so i suppose, i should just let this buggly run its course, while i endure the gamut of side effects. must just be due time.