Tuesday, December 8, 2009


my favorite time of the day, is now. my coffee mug, brimming with love, clad with rasta men jumping, drumming, and leaping in excitement. in celebration, over coffee, i imagine.

the semester is bottlenecking finally...dead week. the week before finals. i am dancing around my lengthy list of deadlines and due dates like a trippy hippy, hoping they might magically disappear into thin air.

i dropped the ball yesterday, allowing all of the conflicting interests of my schedule and life squeeze the composure right out of me...after which, i found absolute sanctuary in chocolate.
yes, chocolate.
its really no wonder...chocolate conains phenethylamine..an alkaloid...similar to an amphetamine, releasing norepinephrine and dopamine. Okay...chocolate has psychoactive stimulating affects...without the guilt and come down. okay, i will take a handful please. also, chocolate contains the alkaloid theobromine...which shares similar effects of my one true love, caffeine.
the cherry on my chocolate sundae is that, aside from being linked to increased seratonin levels, it lowers your blood pressure...., contains a crapload of antioxidants which reduce the formation of free radicals...so its a healthy stimulant.
which is why mochas almost make me cry....the officiating of caffeine and chocolate into one hot beverage. renders me speechless..