Saturday, February 20, 2010

waking up

Concerning the attainment of our dreams and the limitations we face due to our reality….

I want to connect this idea with another, similar idea. That, if we, as a human race, were to realize our full potential, and act upon that with a sound reverence and diligence, that we could achieve things beyond our wildest imagination. Then, I wholeheartedly believe that we can
uphold our dreams.

This is such a heavy topic, and the layers that embody ‘limitations and dreams’ go deep.

I think one step into beginning to realize that dreams are within reach is to jettison the idea of ‘limitations.’ ‘Limitations’ seem to be a mental construct that have been rooted into our cognitive lair for eons. The boundaries in which we must live and abide. We are taught that there are boundaries. The boundaries of our social status, of our checkbooks, of our physical capabilities, of our place in the workforce, its like an interlaced boundary sandwich that we are fed from the beginning.

So then, what if your dreams fall outside of these walls? Do we flock like sheep and follow the herd around menially, without harvesting our true potential?

I suppose it starts with a sort of mental breakthrough. I like to wrap myself up in the belief that if we follow our paths, the right path….a path that embodies truth in all different angles, that doors will open. And with this reverent diligence, a realization of our true capabilities, and a path lit by truth, your dreams will unfold naturally. And then comes in a term I love…’sagacity.’ Or, a mental discernment of the unfoldings of life, of things perfectly placed for you, opportunities, doors, people, and acting upon those serendipitous moments….relinquishing control but still driving…the elephant and the man…

Essentially, WAKING UP will lead us closer to our DREAMS.