my first day free of the ball and chains of school. it feels fabulous. almost a month off, to clear my head of textbook psychology. oh yes. i did well this semester, 6 A's and one lil B+. so life is good. my hard work paid off.
i have been going strong for two and half years straight. through every summer... my eye on the prize. and it is right around the corner. it really is skipping stones from here on out.
I am pretty happy with myself.
i am going to continue to work through my family outreach company, taking care of my same kiddo, who i love and adore! i am going to be recieving another 6 credits through school, flexible hours, as well as making decent money. so blessed i have this job. it has its hand on so many aspects of my life, in so many wonderful ways.
i am starting with the campus newspaper, the 'exponent.' i should be hearing from them sometime in january, but sound like i am getting my own column and the opportunity to publish some photography as well! will be purchasing a nice digital canon here in the next few days, not sure the exact model, but its gonna kick serious bootay, so lots of great articles and photos to come.... i am thinking an outdoors column would be prime. spend my saturdays stompin around outside, getting my adventures published, AND PAID! sweet! i would volunteer, but give me a computer and an office and a paycheck, even better :)
i have a great friend coming into town this evening, he's bringing me ELK MEAT! yes, a friend of mine for sure! a fun couple days planned, ice climbing....getting comfy with this vacation thing...
Another great friend coming down from columbia falls in a few days to pick me up and TAKE ME HOME! she is so wonderful, and i have a nice meal planned for us sunday. stuffed acorn squash, an nice organic bottle of red.... downtown for some dessert.... she is one of those friends that i love like a sister and knows where my gut wrenching belly laughs lay, and she finds them every time i see her!
Then hooooooooooommmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! FINALLY!
monday is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year ! another nice dinner with my 'curb your enthusiasm' friends back home, and i will be recieving my new camera!!!!!
the best part....
is my sister is pregnant and about ready to pop. her due date is december 30th but we are all thinking she will give birth early. i am telling the little baby boy to wait for auntie julia, I WANT TO BE THERE! take pictures, offer support, watch the miracle of life. so many photos to come of this occasion.
many friends to see, many good times to be had, no worries on documentation, that is so my style.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
trust love
sow love in response to hate
Christian: God is love; you are God's and children of the most high
Shinto: Love is the receptacle of the Lord
Zoroastrian: Man is the beloved of the Lord and you should love him in return
Judaic: Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and thy neighbor as thyself
Sikh: God will regenerate those in whose hands there is love
Buddha: Let a man cultivate toward the whole world a heart of love
Tao: Heaven arms with love those it would not see destroyed
Islam: Love is this, that thou shouldst account thyself very little and God very great
Baha'i: If you lovest me not, my love can no wise reach thee
Confucian: To love all men is the greatest benevolence
Hindu: One can best worship the Lord through Love
Christian: God is love; you are God's and children of the most high
Shinto: Love is the receptacle of the Lord
Zoroastrian: Man is the beloved of the Lord and you should love him in return
Judaic: Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and thy neighbor as thyself
Sikh: God will regenerate those in whose hands there is love
Buddha: Let a man cultivate toward the whole world a heart of love
Tao: Heaven arms with love those it would not see destroyed
Islam: Love is this, that thou shouldst account thyself very little and God very great
Baha'i: If you lovest me not, my love can no wise reach thee
Confucian: To love all men is the greatest benevolence
Hindu: One can best worship the Lord through Love
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
my favorite time of the day, is now. my coffee mug, brimming with love, clad with rasta men jumping, drumming, and leaping in excitement. in celebration, over coffee, i imagine.
the semester is bottlenecking finally...dead week. the week before finals. i am dancing around my lengthy list of deadlines and due dates like a trippy hippy, hoping they might magically disappear into thin air.
i dropped the ball yesterday, allowing all of the conflicting interests of my schedule and life squeeze the composure right out of me...after which, i found absolute sanctuary in chocolate.
yes, chocolate.
its really no wonder...chocolate conains alkaloid...similar to an amphetamine, releasing norepinephrine and dopamine. Okay...chocolate has psychoactive stimulating affects...without the guilt and come down. okay, i will take a handful please. also, chocolate contains the alkaloid theobromine...which shares similar effects of my one true love, caffeine.
the cherry on my chocolate sundae is that, aside from being linked to increased seratonin levels, it lowers your blood pressure...., contains a crapload of antioxidants which reduce the formation of free its a healthy stimulant.
which is why mochas almost make me cry....the officiating of caffeine and chocolate into one hot beverage. renders me speechless..
the semester is bottlenecking finally...dead week. the week before finals. i am dancing around my lengthy list of deadlines and due dates like a trippy hippy, hoping they might magically disappear into thin air.
i dropped the ball yesterday, allowing all of the conflicting interests of my schedule and life squeeze the composure right out of me...after which, i found absolute sanctuary in chocolate.
yes, chocolate.
its really no wonder...chocolate conains alkaloid...similar to an amphetamine, releasing norepinephrine and dopamine. Okay...chocolate has psychoactive stimulating affects...without the guilt and come down. okay, i will take a handful please. also, chocolate contains the alkaloid theobromine...which shares similar effects of my one true love, caffeine.
the cherry on my chocolate sundae is that, aside from being linked to increased seratonin levels, it lowers your blood pressure...., contains a crapload of antioxidants which reduce the formation of free its a healthy stimulant.
which is why mochas almost make me cry....the officiating of caffeine and chocolate into one hot beverage. renders me speechless..
Friday, December 4, 2009
finding purpose
i went to an art exhibit tonight. ceramics. my camera phone is the best its gonna get for pictorals... pretty sweet stuff....

i always enjoy artists' speeches...and i actually don't even know his name. shucks. but i liked what he had to say about his ceramics. he said....that it is all fire roasted and toasted. and that there is no set designated use for any of his pieces. use it any way you wish. just USE it, because once you begin really using it, you find your purpose for it, and begin to understand it. i like that.

and we were given a ceramic cup of our choice with bottomless wine for just showing up...even sawweeetttter. i am appreciative.
i always enjoy artists' speeches...and i actually don't even know his name. shucks. but i liked what he had to say about his ceramics. he said....that it is all fire roasted and toasted. and that there is no set designated use for any of his pieces. use it any way you wish. just USE it, because once you begin really using it, you find your purpose for it, and begin to understand it. i like that.
and we were given a ceramic cup of our choice with bottomless wine for just showing up...even sawweeetttter. i am appreciative.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
chocolate and spinning
i have to premise this entry with two things.
firstly, this coffee is so amazing that i just really don't know what to do with myself. organic yellowstone french roast...i am so in happy coffeeland right now.
secondly, GOOD MORNING!
sun is out, the sun is radiant as a matter of fact, she is pulling all the stops this morning, equipped with a full arsenal of gleams, glimmers, and glints. in an attempt, in my opinion, to sabatoge all of jack frosts hard work... and so it goes...
i rose early this morning. put on my eskimo gear, stepped outside and breathed in the stars. the gym met me like an in law....bitter sweet. it felt good to run, albeit 6 a.m. nice. slow. steady. sweet part.
and then came spinning. the instructor just returned from the iron man in arizona. yeah. bad A. during warm up, steady stories flowed of 77 year old men finishing the race, of the first double amputee finishing (thats NO quads NO hams PARTIAL glutes=AMAZING), of an 82 year old nun finishing....sister something....that one slipped....
so, naturally, our class recieved a smack down beating this morning. no sissy class nonsense, straight up tortuous in and out of consciousness dripping wet insanity. whose harebrained idea was this? bitter part.
admittedly, the feeling that followed was kinda post-coital. which is totally sweet. sweet like chocolate that remedies as well.
so life is good. the rainbow i color gets brighter and brighter every day. and the taste gets sweeter.
i have to premise this entry with two things.
firstly, this coffee is so amazing that i just really don't know what to do with myself. organic yellowstone french roast...i am so in happy coffeeland right now.
secondly, GOOD MORNING!
sun is out, the sun is radiant as a matter of fact, she is pulling all the stops this morning, equipped with a full arsenal of gleams, glimmers, and glints. in an attempt, in my opinion, to sabatoge all of jack frosts hard work... and so it goes...
i rose early this morning. put on my eskimo gear, stepped outside and breathed in the stars. the gym met me like an in law....bitter sweet. it felt good to run, albeit 6 a.m. nice. slow. steady. sweet part.
and then came spinning. the instructor just returned from the iron man in arizona. yeah. bad A. during warm up, steady stories flowed of 77 year old men finishing the race, of the first double amputee finishing (thats NO quads NO hams PARTIAL glutes=AMAZING), of an 82 year old nun finishing....sister something....that one slipped....
so, naturally, our class recieved a smack down beating this morning. no sissy class nonsense, straight up tortuous in and out of consciousness dripping wet insanity. whose harebrained idea was this? bitter part.
admittedly, the feeling that followed was kinda post-coital. which is totally sweet. sweet like chocolate that remedies as well.
so life is good. the rainbow i color gets brighter and brighter every day. and the taste gets sweeter.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
ball handling
it always suprises me, dating.... for lack of a better word. getting to know eachother. it can be so painfully awkward. you have two people, completely different backgrounds, it seems only natural that there would be a little rub between two people. rub as in friction. friction as in difference. two different worlds, two entirely different experiences, environments, upbringings.... at a certain point, maybe you are attracted to somebody due to their morals, values, and beliefs. So, you'd think, having a psuedo similar mind track, that this would alleviate any unneccessary discomfort. no, that doesn't seem to be the case. damn.
in a perfect little world, there would be world peace.... AND easy dating. sitting comfortable in early adulthood, a smorgasbord of life experiences behind my belt, almost donned like an indian would their tribal feathers.... signifiying growth, maturity, a sprinkle of wisdom here and there, but put me in a room with a guy and my brain turns to mush and my lips start resembling that of a freakin ventriloquist. geez. louise.
serious, i have a handle on most balls.
throw me a curve, i can usually hit it out of the park. (here is where you hear the 'toot' of my own horn). surmounting obstacles...check.... facing challenges.... check....leaping tall buildings....sure why not.... acting somewhat normal with another prospective consort in the same room.... WHAT THE EF?????
its the funniest thing really, i find myself laughing out loud at what a retard i can be. like, REALLY JULES??????
Dorkus: someone who acts a bit dorky but is cute at the same time. An UNATTRACTIVE female dork. An ATTRACTIVE female dork is called a "Dorkette".
Alright, now that I have completely put my ass on the line for people to pin tall tales on..... that is that.
The tragically hip part of this whole chuckle worthy charade of nonsensicalness is that, after a few times teasing apart the facade.... you eventually get to know one another. bringing the matter to a T. Continue teasing apart and enjoy all the new discoveries that are made. Or be on your way, making the GRAND realization that... NO, you are not eachothers missing links, NO you are not eachother missing puzzle pieces, YES, you are two village idiots living in the same village, but two wrongs most definitly don't make a right. happy sunday all!
in a perfect little world, there would be world peace.... AND easy dating. sitting comfortable in early adulthood, a smorgasbord of life experiences behind my belt, almost donned like an indian would their tribal feathers.... signifiying growth, maturity, a sprinkle of wisdom here and there, but put me in a room with a guy and my brain turns to mush and my lips start resembling that of a freakin ventriloquist. geez. louise.
serious, i have a handle on most balls.
throw me a curve, i can usually hit it out of the park. (here is where you hear the 'toot' of my own horn). surmounting obstacles...check.... facing challenges.... check....leaping tall buildings....sure why not.... acting somewhat normal with another prospective consort in the same room.... WHAT THE EF?????
its the funniest thing really, i find myself laughing out loud at what a retard i can be. like, REALLY JULES??????
Dorkus: someone who acts a bit dorky but is cute at the same time. An UNATTRACTIVE female dork. An ATTRACTIVE female dork is called a "Dorkette".
Alright, now that I have completely put my ass on the line for people to pin tall tales on..... that is that.
The tragically hip part of this whole chuckle worthy charade of nonsensicalness is that, after a few times teasing apart the facade.... you eventually get to know one another. bringing the matter to a T. Continue teasing apart and enjoy all the new discoveries that are made. Or be on your way, making the GRAND realization that... NO, you are not eachothers missing links, NO you are not eachother missing puzzle pieces, YES, you are two village idiots living in the same village, but two wrongs most definitly don't make a right. happy sunday all!
Monday, November 23, 2009
getting back on track from a slightly derailed saturday...spent time with some good friends and made some new ones... everyone was in high spirits... even went to the ZEBRA and attempted dancing with a huge pair of sorel snowboots. somewhat like a clumsy clydesdale. much laughter, great conversation, and a red velvet chocolate cake to double knot the night.
it took an extra slice of will power to wake up this morning and make my way to yoga. was so happy to be there and work the kinks of the weekend out. instructor did make a comment, something along of the lines of... 'are you okay julia?' i may have fell out of sun salutation sequence a few times...
i decided, for my final art capstone project, i am going to sketch a series of self portraits. incorportating a light source projected at different angles... i think i will use charcoal, ebony pencil, and white and this will keep me occupied through thanksgiving....
it took an extra slice of will power to wake up this morning and make my way to yoga. was so happy to be there and work the kinks of the weekend out. instructor did make a comment, something along of the lines of... 'are you okay julia?' i may have fell out of sun salutation sequence a few times...
i decided, for my final art capstone project, i am going to sketch a series of self portraits. incorportating a light source projected at different angles... i think i will use charcoal, ebony pencil, and white and this will keep me occupied through thanksgiving....
Saturday, November 21, 2009
in yesterdays thoughts, i alluded with a follow up on bible verses concerning pain.
maybe another day. not this morning. i don't feel like diving into the complexity of pain, repentance, and salvation. its a bit early for my ticker to tock like that.
i had a bout of restlessness last night, so i am up with the moon and the stars this morning. cat/griz today. looks like there will be a three way rivalry, due to the snowfall this morning. i was actually throwing the idea back and forth of an uber early jog. but when i peered outside, the bark of the trees turned into growls due to the fierceness of the wind.
bidding adieu
maybe another day. not this morning. i don't feel like diving into the complexity of pain, repentance, and salvation. its a bit early for my ticker to tock like that.
i had a bout of restlessness last night, so i am up with the moon and the stars this morning. cat/griz today. looks like there will be a three way rivalry, due to the snowfall this morning. i was actually throwing the idea back and forth of an uber early jog. but when i peered outside, the bark of the trees turned into growls due to the fierceness of the wind.
bidding adieu
Friday, November 20, 2009
pain. ouch. how can four little letters convey such emotion.... damn diggity.
there is so many areas that i could attack this concept...explanatorily attack that is. or at least attempt to make sense of what i have come to understand regarding pain.
we have all, in some degree experienced pain. and hurt. and sadness. over a plethora of different things that have happened to us in our lives. i fell prey to the meat grinder, was spit into pieces, and it took years to put myself back together. and when i finally did, i wasn't the same person anymore. the experience had changed me. and it took a while for me to really understand the benefit from the hell on earth i endured.
so what the bleep is pain, and why the bleep do we have to endure it?
the all out balls to the wall no holds bar question.
there are some interesting interpretations of pain, as well as residual pain, which eckart tolle has given a name, pain-bodies.
there are many teaching, expressing that the state of pain is ultimately an illusion. this is so hard to fathom. that those feelings and experiences that i have had, i am sure you have had, were in vain. that those minutes, hours, days, and even years of borderline unbearable pain were avoidable. but, if this is true, even if there is some slight nuance of truth to this, how amazing would that be. if by some shift in conscious awareness, by choosing what it is that we give life to. as we hack and stumble through the dense forests of feelings and sadness, when there is a groomed trail right beside us.
so years ago, post traumatic experience, i wasn't able to find that nice trail to reprieve, and i stumbled along, and i felt heavy and sad. as many of us do, i think. for the longest time, even when i thought that i had surpassed and conquered the monsters of my past, these feelings would rise from time to time. in certain situations. eckart tolle, one of my favorite authors of all time, terms these feelings pain-bodies.
the accumulated pain, he says, is a negative energy field that occupies your body and mind. if you let it. it has two modes of being-dormant and active. extremely depressed people may have an active pain body 100 % of the time. For others, this pain body may surface during intimate relationships or situations linked with past loss or abandonent, physical or emotional hurts, and so on. The active state of pain can be triggered, in other words.
these pain bodies want to survive. but they can only survive if it gets you to unconsciously identify with it. it can then rise up, and take you over. energy speaking, it will come active when you resonate with its own kind of energy... further pain in any form... examples are anger, destructiveness, hatred, grief, emotional drama, violence, and even illness. pain feeding on pain.
this was what was happening to me for a few years after my experiences. i was still identifying with the hurt. my past, in essence, still had control over me.
another way of looking at the pain-body is as a dark shadow cast by the ego. a seperation from our truths. bringing in the light of our consciousness, our presence, light is shed on the disease of past pain and its phantom frailness and its formlessness. in order to shed light on the darkness, facing it full frontal style is in order. seeing it for what it is, observing what it is we are allowing to lurk. bringing attention and presence to the pain and the identification can be broken. calling it out as an imposter by bringing attention to the absurdity of its residual dwelling allows you begin the process of freedom from it.
St Paul
"Everything is shown up by being exposed to the light, and whatever is exposed to the light itself becomes light."
sustained conscious attention severs the link between the pain body and your thought processes and brings about the process of transmutation. (eckart tolle)
transmutation: a theory that holds a person can modify the status or ownership of assets they own from separate property.
eckart tolle has written an entire book about this topic, and it is really food for thought. a different way of looking at ourselves, at rising above disease, and bringing awareness into all that comprises us.
the bible has many beautiful verses on pain and the beauty that we can extract from it. tonight, i will delve into biblical ins and outs interpretations of pain.
i need to get ready for class... have a great day everyone!
there is so many areas that i could attack this concept...explanatorily attack that is. or at least attempt to make sense of what i have come to understand regarding pain.
we have all, in some degree experienced pain. and hurt. and sadness. over a plethora of different things that have happened to us in our lives. i fell prey to the meat grinder, was spit into pieces, and it took years to put myself back together. and when i finally did, i wasn't the same person anymore. the experience had changed me. and it took a while for me to really understand the benefit from the hell on earth i endured.
so what the bleep is pain, and why the bleep do we have to endure it?
the all out balls to the wall no holds bar question.
there are some interesting interpretations of pain, as well as residual pain, which eckart tolle has given a name, pain-bodies.
there are many teaching, expressing that the state of pain is ultimately an illusion. this is so hard to fathom. that those feelings and experiences that i have had, i am sure you have had, were in vain. that those minutes, hours, days, and even years of borderline unbearable pain were avoidable. but, if this is true, even if there is some slight nuance of truth to this, how amazing would that be. if by some shift in conscious awareness, by choosing what it is that we give life to. as we hack and stumble through the dense forests of feelings and sadness, when there is a groomed trail right beside us.
so years ago, post traumatic experience, i wasn't able to find that nice trail to reprieve, and i stumbled along, and i felt heavy and sad. as many of us do, i think. for the longest time, even when i thought that i had surpassed and conquered the monsters of my past, these feelings would rise from time to time. in certain situations. eckart tolle, one of my favorite authors of all time, terms these feelings pain-bodies.
the accumulated pain, he says, is a negative energy field that occupies your body and mind. if you let it. it has two modes of being-dormant and active. extremely depressed people may have an active pain body 100 % of the time. For others, this pain body may surface during intimate relationships or situations linked with past loss or abandonent, physical or emotional hurts, and so on. The active state of pain can be triggered, in other words.
these pain bodies want to survive. but they can only survive if it gets you to unconsciously identify with it. it can then rise up, and take you over. energy speaking, it will come active when you resonate with its own kind of energy... further pain in any form... examples are anger, destructiveness, hatred, grief, emotional drama, violence, and even illness. pain feeding on pain.
this was what was happening to me for a few years after my experiences. i was still identifying with the hurt. my past, in essence, still had control over me.
another way of looking at the pain-body is as a dark shadow cast by the ego. a seperation from our truths. bringing in the light of our consciousness, our presence, light is shed on the disease of past pain and its phantom frailness and its formlessness. in order to shed light on the darkness, facing it full frontal style is in order. seeing it for what it is, observing what it is we are allowing to lurk. bringing attention and presence to the pain and the identification can be broken. calling it out as an imposter by bringing attention to the absurdity of its residual dwelling allows you begin the process of freedom from it.
St Paul
"Everything is shown up by being exposed to the light, and whatever is exposed to the light itself becomes light."
sustained conscious attention severs the link between the pain body and your thought processes and brings about the process of transmutation. (eckart tolle)
transmutation: a theory that holds a person can modify the status or ownership of assets they own from separate property.
eckart tolle has written an entire book about this topic, and it is really food for thought. a different way of looking at ourselves, at rising above disease, and bringing awareness into all that comprises us.
the bible has many beautiful verses on pain and the beauty that we can extract from it. tonight, i will delve into biblical ins and outs interpretations of pain.
i need to get ready for class... have a great day everyone!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
serendipity: the effect by which one stumbles upon something fortunate.
i heard this word used this morning by a group of doctors while awaiting an appointment. something along the lines of..."was this planned, or serendipitous?"
what a great word.
i suppose sagacity plays a role in serendipity. whereas one, who flips trips and dips unto something, someone, an experience that is unexpectedly miraculous.... being able to mentally discern (sagacity) what has just taken place is of utmost importance. otherwise, these miracles float on, unnoticed....
i have, jokes aside, been experiencing serendipitous moments scattered, like a sprinkling of fairy dust, throughout my days.
i am not talking about schizoid delusions of grandeur here, i am talking about little teensy tinsy happenenings that are so beautifully orchestrated, that it leaves me, actually emotionally jaw dropped.
i am not sure how else to describe it, other than i recognize this glory in my life and how blessed i am. how beautiful positive energy is, how prayer has opened my eyes. experiencing joy in my life in so many different ways. thank god for that.
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet
Make you want to move your dancing feet
To the rescue, here I am
Want you to know ya, where I stand
When the morning gathers the rainbow
Want you to know I'm a rainbow too
So, to the rescue here I am
Want you to know just if you can
Where I stand, know, know, know, know, know
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet now
Make you want to move your dancing feet
To the rescue, here I am
Want you to know just if you can
Where I stand, know, know, know, where I stand
i heard this word used this morning by a group of doctors while awaiting an appointment. something along the lines of..."was this planned, or serendipitous?"
what a great word.
i suppose sagacity plays a role in serendipity. whereas one, who flips trips and dips unto something, someone, an experience that is unexpectedly miraculous.... being able to mentally discern (sagacity) what has just taken place is of utmost importance. otherwise, these miracles float on, unnoticed....
i have, jokes aside, been experiencing serendipitous moments scattered, like a sprinkling of fairy dust, throughout my days.
i am not talking about schizoid delusions of grandeur here, i am talking about little teensy tinsy happenenings that are so beautifully orchestrated, that it leaves me, actually emotionally jaw dropped.
i am not sure how else to describe it, other than i recognize this glory in my life and how blessed i am. how beautiful positive energy is, how prayer has opened my eyes. experiencing joy in my life in so many different ways. thank god for that.
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet
Make you want to move your dancing feet
To the rescue, here I am
Want you to know ya, where I stand
When the morning gathers the rainbow
Want you to know I'm a rainbow too
So, to the rescue here I am
Want you to know just if you can
Where I stand, know, know, know, know, know
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet now
Make you want to move your dancing feet
To the rescue, here I am
Want you to know just if you can
Where I stand, know, know, know, where I stand
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
taylor jade
once upon a time there was this little girl by the name of taylor jade. from the first time you laid eyes on her, you knew she was....special.
and when i say special, i mean captivatingly charismaticaly hook line and sinker sugar and spice. flavorful. bouncing brown curls, two fat dimples in each rosy red cheek, and playful eyes.
whats this look all about?
smile big
and.....really ginormous
the personality on this kid is ridiculous. straight up independent, try anything, go anywhere, scopin out the territory, fearless, need for speed type of girl. or speedo in this case...
in any case, i just love her to pieces....
coffee in the press, bob marley action to keep me satisfied in the background...
i scraped myself out of bed this morning, negotiating whether the idea of spinning class at 6:30 a.m. was really necessary. as i went to turn off my alarm, i noticed a few messages, one of which expressed something along the lines of meteor showers before dawn. alright, that got me up.
strapped on my sorels and ventured into the chilly star clad morning. i didn't spot any meteors, but i did see some shooting stars during class...torture induced of course..... i think i dropped 5 pounds in sweat alone. ah, the grueling satisfaction.
wow, this coffee is so good. yum.
there is this verse in the bible that i would like to share this morning.
For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
-1 Timothy 4:4-5
i really love this. i love it for many reasons. for me, it says that we have been given all types of blessed food sources for our life energy. fish, birds, game...plants, grains, fruits, water, grapes for wine, barley for beer...
it says that no matter what is set before us, or what we set out to find...whether elaborate or simple, that we should be thankful. that it is blessed to our bodies.
on the same thread, there are those that are in somewhat of a trepidation about food and drink and calorie content... those with a distorted body image, fearful of putting anything into their body... i have been there before. i understand the fearfulness that can grip you, allowing feverish anxiousness to consume you.
enjoy your food, enjoy your libations, bless them, be thankful for them.
putting those vindictive thoughts to bed by the realization that they are not even real. be free of the balls and chains of our self induced negativity, allowing ourselves enjoyment of what god has given us.
i scraped myself out of bed this morning, negotiating whether the idea of spinning class at 6:30 a.m. was really necessary. as i went to turn off my alarm, i noticed a few messages, one of which expressed something along the lines of meteor showers before dawn. alright, that got me up.
strapped on my sorels and ventured into the chilly star clad morning. i didn't spot any meteors, but i did see some shooting stars during class...torture induced of course..... i think i dropped 5 pounds in sweat alone. ah, the grueling satisfaction.
wow, this coffee is so good. yum.
there is this verse in the bible that i would like to share this morning.
For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
-1 Timothy 4:4-5
i really love this. i love it for many reasons. for me, it says that we have been given all types of blessed food sources for our life energy. fish, birds, game...plants, grains, fruits, water, grapes for wine, barley for beer...
it says that no matter what is set before us, or what we set out to find...whether elaborate or simple, that we should be thankful. that it is blessed to our bodies.
on the same thread, there are those that are in somewhat of a trepidation about food and drink and calorie content... those with a distorted body image, fearful of putting anything into their body... i have been there before. i understand the fearfulness that can grip you, allowing feverish anxiousness to consume you.
enjoy your food, enjoy your libations, bless them, be thankful for them.
putting those vindictive thoughts to bed by the realization that they are not even real. be free of the balls and chains of our self induced negativity, allowing ourselves enjoyment of what god has given us.
Monday, November 16, 2009
i felt some loneliness pangs today, missing good comfortable friends from back home.... friends that are like snuggling up next to a warm fireplace and before i know it, i am heated from the inside out. where conversation is easy, exciting, where guarded behavior is laid to rest.
i kind of glided through the day in a bit of a trance....atypically desensitized.
i wound up talking to almost everyone i know back home, needless to say. and funny enough, a few of them touched base with me out of the blue...whereas i delightfully remarked, 'ya know, i was JUST thinking about you......"
so, looks like its just me and my glass of wine. and a bath. faithful companions that they are. goodnight.
i kind of glided through the day in a bit of a trance....atypically desensitized.
i wound up talking to almost everyone i know back home, needless to say. and funny enough, a few of them touched base with me out of the blue...whereas i delightfully remarked, 'ya know, i was JUST thinking about you......"
so, looks like its just me and my glass of wine. and a bath. faithful companions that they are. goodnight.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
green magma pineapple banana strawberry smoothie and coffee to fuel my upcoming spinning class. there is something about spinning instructors, aside from their tree trunks they call quads and hams. so excited about biking, so energized, so pumped, so on your asses constantly with an imaginary whip....a mini arnold is what she is...Ja, we ah heah to "pump you up."
hmmm.....sooo, glutton for punishment? masochist? arguable.
hmmm.....sooo, glutton for punishment? masochist? arguable.
Friday, November 13, 2009
relinquish control
i hope this finds any and all smiling.
it is truly a winter wonderland out there in bozeman today, with yesterdays record breaking snowfall of two fluffy feet. the skies visually cut the cold, taking on a soft fleecy baby blue. the sunshine is beautiful, bejeweling all that it touches, popping diamonds out of the blankets of snow that cover our ground. its absolutely breathtaking today. i couldn't ask for anything more.
i am so desperately convinced that our thoughts are so powerful that they are responsible for how we are living our lives. we are riddled with worldly issues every day, from economical crisis, to political feuds, religious quarrels, impatience, deadlines, discriminations, sexism, power struggles, and serious ego trips. these worldly daily dealings are nothing more than intangible oppressions. we can allow ourselves to be afflicted by all that is proclaimed wrong with this world, all that is unjust and unfair, all that doesn't necessarily flow with our ideals. and then feeeel oppppressed, streesssssed, and tired. letting something that isn't even REAL suck the vital energy right out of us.
how resilient can we be when faced with these potential afflictions. the power is in our hands to be taken control of, or to recognize the mind games that oppression and ego plays with us. in recognition comes realization of a higher order than intellectual reasoning.
begin our days with thanks. for the ability to open our eyes, to breathe, and experience life. healthy. peace of mind. connecting to the spirit within us just letting go and being quiet. by listening to our true selves instead of our egos. i feel like the answers we need are here. within us and around us.
it is truly a winter wonderland out there in bozeman today, with yesterdays record breaking snowfall of two fluffy feet. the skies visually cut the cold, taking on a soft fleecy baby blue. the sunshine is beautiful, bejeweling all that it touches, popping diamonds out of the blankets of snow that cover our ground. its absolutely breathtaking today. i couldn't ask for anything more.
i am so desperately convinced that our thoughts are so powerful that they are responsible for how we are living our lives. we are riddled with worldly issues every day, from economical crisis, to political feuds, religious quarrels, impatience, deadlines, discriminations, sexism, power struggles, and serious ego trips. these worldly daily dealings are nothing more than intangible oppressions. we can allow ourselves to be afflicted by all that is proclaimed wrong with this world, all that is unjust and unfair, all that doesn't necessarily flow with our ideals. and then feeeel oppppressed, streesssssed, and tired. letting something that isn't even REAL suck the vital energy right out of us.
how resilient can we be when faced with these potential afflictions. the power is in our hands to be taken control of, or to recognize the mind games that oppression and ego plays with us. in recognition comes realization of a higher order than intellectual reasoning.
begin our days with thanks. for the ability to open our eyes, to breathe, and experience life. healthy. peace of mind. connecting to the spirit within us just letting go and being quiet. by listening to our true selves instead of our egos. i feel like the answers we need are here. within us and around us.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
watching the snow flurries outside, in the comforts of my cozy abode. i have at least a foot of freshly stacked snow on my deck railings....i guess the weather man nailed it last night with the winter storm warnings....and my naked purple car, who i gingerly refer to as skittle, buried in the fresh powder... i am hoping she stays sweet for me.... i haven't ever been a fan of sour skittles.
so, the light of a new day is upon us. and my morning is sprawled out in front of me, asking to be taken advantage of. that, i can do.
so, the light of a new day is upon us. and my morning is sprawled out in front of me, asking to be taken advantage of. that, i can do.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
a day filled with small delights....
its lavender and sugar glazed salmon this evening. over a bed of spinich, mixed with every veggie i could find in my fridge. i am pretty happy with my culinary prowess as a single chick who lives alone, i gotta say.
i had a wonderful day today. Veterans day. i started my morning off with a nice jog downtown, weaving through parks and trails. the moon and stars were out for most of the run, which made it a little exciting. i felt safe though, which is one aspect i love about this community. not much crime or violence here.
after my rosy cheeked run, i dove into the comforts of my coffee. i don't mess around with the coffee, i practically have it down to a science, exactly how i like it. its like my morning dose of crack, really. Strong french roast (french press), a mess of vanilla icecream, vanilla extract, cinnamom, and raw cane sugar. it is so yummy i am, writing about it.
after my belly warming, grin wearing morning, i drive to work. my little girl was sleeping til 8 or so... woke her up playing piano. A song i have been writing for my sister maia and her soon to be baby arrival, Caleb. Nicole wakes up singing, which i love so much... communication is challenging with her so any baby steps towards conveying an emotion or a feeling seem to be a step in the right direction. and piano is one of those ways we communicate.
this family i work for has this gorgeous ivy that i have had my eye on since i started working for them. i have been meaning to ask for a clipping of this plant so that i could root the ivy and eventually start a plant of my own. i thought, however, that i would be overstepping bounds due to the fact that this particular ivy is young and doesn't have long limbs to pluck yet. BUT, this morning.... after talking with chuck, the dad.... he mentioned, without prompt may i add, that he had rescued all of these huge vibrant gorgeous plants in the dining room (including the ivy) from a flood through his restoration business. and him and jana (the momma) were just NOT into these plants. so, nerdily enough, sensing an 'in' on the plant clipping scheme of things, i asked if i could take a clipping of the ivy, seeings how they were a pain to begin with. and he more than willingly just offered me ALL of the plants. 4. the young ivy, this spider plant, another tropical looking plant with 4 foot branches spreading in all sorts of directions, and another leafy green monster plant. needless to say, i was ecstatic. so i brought them home, gave them some tlc, and i am soooo tickled. it was not just an average ivy, okay people! it was special.
so my afternoon was spent relaxing at wild joes, not doing much of anything but eating and surfing. back to work, fed my girl dinner, played some more piano... and am now home.
a hot bath and a cold dish of huckleberry yogurt are the cherry on my sundae today.
i will leave you with this great quote that i happened to glimpse at today;
"Where there is one grain of perseverance or willfulness in the composition, trifling obstacles are ever known rather to stimulate than discourage." The Professor/Charlotte Bronte
starlit snuggles all..............
i had a wonderful day today. Veterans day. i started my morning off with a nice jog downtown, weaving through parks and trails. the moon and stars were out for most of the run, which made it a little exciting. i felt safe though, which is one aspect i love about this community. not much crime or violence here.
after my rosy cheeked run, i dove into the comforts of my coffee. i don't mess around with the coffee, i practically have it down to a science, exactly how i like it. its like my morning dose of crack, really. Strong french roast (french press), a mess of vanilla icecream, vanilla extract, cinnamom, and raw cane sugar. it is so yummy i am, writing about it.
after my belly warming, grin wearing morning, i drive to work. my little girl was sleeping til 8 or so... woke her up playing piano. A song i have been writing for my sister maia and her soon to be baby arrival, Caleb. Nicole wakes up singing, which i love so much... communication is challenging with her so any baby steps towards conveying an emotion or a feeling seem to be a step in the right direction. and piano is one of those ways we communicate.
this family i work for has this gorgeous ivy that i have had my eye on since i started working for them. i have been meaning to ask for a clipping of this plant so that i could root the ivy and eventually start a plant of my own. i thought, however, that i would be overstepping bounds due to the fact that this particular ivy is young and doesn't have long limbs to pluck yet. BUT, this morning.... after talking with chuck, the dad.... he mentioned, without prompt may i add, that he had rescued all of these huge vibrant gorgeous plants in the dining room (including the ivy) from a flood through his restoration business. and him and jana (the momma) were just NOT into these plants. so, nerdily enough, sensing an 'in' on the plant clipping scheme of things, i asked if i could take a clipping of the ivy, seeings how they were a pain to begin with. and he more than willingly just offered me ALL of the plants. 4. the young ivy, this spider plant, another tropical looking plant with 4 foot branches spreading in all sorts of directions, and another leafy green monster plant. needless to say, i was ecstatic. so i brought them home, gave them some tlc, and i am soooo tickled. it was not just an average ivy, okay people! it was special.
so my afternoon was spent relaxing at wild joes, not doing much of anything but eating and surfing. back to work, fed my girl dinner, played some more piano... and am now home.
a hot bath and a cold dish of huckleberry yogurt are the cherry on my sundae today.
i will leave you with this great quote that i happened to glimpse at today;
"Where there is one grain of perseverance or willfulness in the composition, trifling obstacles are ever known rather to stimulate than discourage." The Professor/Charlotte Bronte
starlit snuggles all..............
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
streeeetching my southern montana sunny sunday morning like playdoh.
started my day fervently, with a orange flavored bath and a french roast scented mug of coffee. both of which summon my purr.
i am so thankful for today. and all that comes with it, the good, the bad, and the ugly. whether the journey is smooth sailing, crash course, or somewhere in between, i hope i have the wherewithal to extract the rooted essence of it. to understand that situations that may arise are naked in their intent to show us something. glimpses. of ourselves. glimpses of our strengths. or maybe our weaknesses. but i hope that i don't ever stop growing from what life gives to me. but that i use those sunny rays of experiences to gain spiritual limbs and leaves, to blossom.
started my day fervently, with a orange flavored bath and a french roast scented mug of coffee. both of which summon my purr.
i am so thankful for today. and all that comes with it, the good, the bad, and the ugly. whether the journey is smooth sailing, crash course, or somewhere in between, i hope i have the wherewithal to extract the rooted essence of it. to understand that situations that may arise are naked in their intent to show us something. glimpses. of ourselves. glimpses of our strengths. or maybe our weaknesses. but i hope that i don't ever stop growing from what life gives to me. but that i use those sunny rays of experiences to gain spiritual limbs and leaves, to blossom.
Friday, October 30, 2009
fairy land
the virgins rock, ballybunion, ireland. i took this photo 3 years ago.

Originally spelled hallowe'en. This is shortened from All hallows E'en. E'en meaning Even, which is a shortening of evening. All Hallows Evening.
Hallow translates to mean holy.
also called: All Hallows Eve, The Feast of the Dead, Samhain, The Celtic New Year, The Day of the Dead, Devils Day, All Hallowtide, Hells Night, and Nos Calan Gaeaf.
Where does this dawn of the dead, masked celebration spawn from?
Halloween is rooted in Ancient Ireland and Scotland as the festival of 'Samhain', meaning 'summers end' in Old Irish.
It is said to celebrate the lighter half of the year and the beginning of the dark half.
The ancient Celts, and many of the modern day traditionalists, believe in the otherworld. Tales and folklore exploring the realm of the dead, the home of the deities. Existing over the Western Sea and alongside the world of the living.
During All Hallows Evening, this border between our world and the otherworld is thin, allowing spirits to pass through.
bad spirits and good spirits. ancestors and family spirits were honored and invited home, while the evil spirits were warded off.
the disguises?
the need to ward off these harmful spirits led to costumes and disguises. the thought was if one was to disguise oneself as a harmful spirit, they would avoid harm by scaring off demons.
Originally spelled hallowe'en. This is shortened from All hallows E'en. E'en meaning Even, which is a shortening of evening. All Hallows Evening.
Hallow translates to mean holy.
also called: All Hallows Eve, The Feast of the Dead, Samhain, The Celtic New Year, The Day of the Dead, Devils Day, All Hallowtide, Hells Night, and Nos Calan Gaeaf.
Where does this dawn of the dead, masked celebration spawn from?
Halloween is rooted in Ancient Ireland and Scotland as the festival of 'Samhain', meaning 'summers end' in Old Irish.
It is said to celebrate the lighter half of the year and the beginning of the dark half.
The ancient Celts, and many of the modern day traditionalists, believe in the otherworld. Tales and folklore exploring the realm of the dead, the home of the deities. Existing over the Western Sea and alongside the world of the living.
During All Hallows Evening, this border between our world and the otherworld is thin, allowing spirits to pass through.
bad spirits and good spirits. ancestors and family spirits were honored and invited home, while the evil spirits were warded off.
the disguises?
the need to ward off these harmful spirits led to costumes and disguises. the thought was if one was to disguise oneself as a harmful spirit, they would avoid harm by scaring off demons.
Friday, October 23, 2009
friday beckons with familiar undertones of mischieviousness, catplay. luring catcalls, with the promise of unhinged excitement. all are tempted, when drawn away from their own lusts, and enticed.... we weave, then, a tapestry. patterned with decisions binded with consequences. lessons tied to experiences. the patterns of unlearned lessons repeat itself within the course of weaving. theres beauty in the spiraling and theres beauty in the simplicity. theres beauty in the repetiveness. the infinite ways in which we weave our lives is an expression of who we are. our experiences, our individualistic scope of moral reasoning, our testimony. our truths.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
morning bear hug
Thursday, October 15, 2009
winter. spring. summer. fall
with each season, brings play....
winter brings....
descent into the clouds....
bridger mountain, waaay up top, bozeman

snowshoeing...hyalite canyon, bozeman


spring brings....
rainbows, wilsall

lupines....paradise valley



summer brings....
flathead lake, bigfork

jewel basin, bigfork

jewel basin, bigfork

with a side of whimsicalness....whitefish

and fall brings...
football, bozeman

falling of leaves and people, woodland park, kalispell

taylor jade, kalispell
winter brings....
descent into the clouds....
bridger mountain, waaay up top, bozeman

snowshoeing...hyalite canyon, bozeman


spring brings....
rainbows, wilsall

lupines....paradise valley



summer brings....
flathead lake, bigfork

jewel basin, bigfork

jewel basin, bigfork

with a side of whimsicalness....whitefish

and fall brings...
football, bozeman

falling of leaves and people, woodland park, kalispell

taylor jade, kalispell

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
hyalite canyon
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
big sky country
on my drive home tonight, i couldn't help but look around in awe. the snow capped mountains, the colors of fall, the fresh air, the feel of it. i am incredibly fortunate to live here and honestly, i have been absorbed in my blessings lately. i hope that there is no saturation point. soooooo, as my tiger shrimp thaw and morel mushrooms expand... lets take a look at some mt goodies that i have found in my picture banks.....
big sky country, flathead river, kalispell

tobacco road, just south of eureka

my backyard growing up, eureka

its the sweetest most simple things....
big sky country, flathead river, kalispell

tobacco road, just south of eureka

my backyard growing up, eureka

its the sweetest most simple things....

Sunday, October 11, 2009
more montana....
nestled into sundays lap... enjoying yellowstone coffee topped with vanilla icecream. neil young singing about his ranch in the backdrop.... life is good.
more of montana....enjoy
yellowstone rainbow, in tribute to my wonderful java this morning

dickey between whitefish and eureka

crystal waters of dickey lake

....madison river....bozeman

my poppas fishing boat in the sunset, bigfork

madison river

birds eye of bozeman

raven, flathead lake

maia and i
more of montana....enjoy
yellowstone rainbow, in tribute to my wonderful java this morning

dickey between whitefish and eureka

crystal waters of dickey lake

....madison river....bozeman

my poppas fishing boat in the sunset, bigfork

madison river

birds eye of bozeman

raven, flathead lake

maia and i

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