today was full of wonder.
starting off with this little character bombing around my head like some sort of heat seeking missile.
off to hyalite!
a good day for horse play...
hi jen!

armed with multiple layers, trusty snowshoes, snacks, and....the dog. beuford
come to find out, beuford is a snob. the only way beuford will give you the time of day is if you are a cat, in which case he may kill you..or if you are a sassy playful dog...or a very large dog. other than that, ya got nothin with ol beuford.
there was alot of people out today, ice fishing, ice climbing, skiing, hiking, you name it. we even saw a bear and a moose! no, thats not true. not even close.
conversation spanned topics such as costa rica, guadalahara, being in our primes, home grown food, homeade soymilk (not worth the time), the nonsensicalness of militant gurus, restaurant drama, transparent people, makeup, lip rings, california, blondies, gardening naked, hippies (proper meaning of the word), marijuana, simplicity, success (happiness in simplicity), female comradery, boys, serendipitous moments, younger brothers, backpacking, graduation...
and on and on.
my toes froes...i mean toze froze...wait, toes froze...there we go. then they thawed...
sunday funday