Friday, January 7, 2011

colds & flu

"the only safe and effective defense to influenza is having a strong offense."

this time of year, everyone around me is battling the bug. influenza and the common cold. i had a bout with it myself during holiday break.
so, the ever zealous 'geek' in me spotlights these times as opportunitites to research natural prevention and treatment. (geeks btw, are where its at).


most of my research has been drawn upon in this particular topic by an author and natural medicine man, dr. richard schulze who has devoted his studies to natural healing remedies. you could say the following is an outline of his book, called 'colds & flu'. knowledge is power.

here we go....

colds, upper-respiratory tract infections, influenza, stuffed-up sinuses, sore throats, swollen tonsils and adenoids, coughs, fevers and long congestion are all infections caused by a pathogen, or germ.

there IS such thing as cold and flu 'season' because during these months, people are more confined to their homes with less ventilation, less fresh air and more closed windows. bacterial and viral infections are spread by infected saliva and mucous droplets from coughing and sneezing.



i hardly believe it, but statistics show that influenza kills a minimum of 40,000 people every year.

drifting and shifting:
when a virus mutates gradually, this is referred to as a drift. the changing enables the virus to evade your immune system's defenses, go unrecognized and infect you again.
when a virus changes quickly, this is called a shift.

heres a fun fact...yet another thing we are all lied to about soley because there are billions of dollars involved.

antiobiotics have NO preventative or curing effect on influenza or colds.
its all about making money.
most doctors, who know better, still write prescriptions for antibiotics just to keep their patients happy.


flu shots.
billions and billions of dollars are in the flu shot biz.
there are hundreds of known influenza viruses and over 200 common ones.
it takes MONTHS to manufacture influenza shots and the viral mix has to be a guess or prediction of what is thought will be arriving the next flu season.
NONE of these flu shot predictions has ever been accurate.

There is mercury and aluminum in every flu shot, increasing your chances of alzeimers and various other cognitive dysfunction.

ok. are we, as consumers, in a rat race? our every move dictated by lies begatting beCATTing lies?

another money maker?
i am prone to think so.

here is a crash course on your immune system...
its our defense system.
comprised of organs, tissues, systems, blood cells, fluids, nodes, nodules, bones, and other pieces and parts all over your body.
whats in the arsenal?
white blood cells for one, which kill invaders and communicate information.
b-cells, which ultimately create antibodies.
lymphatic fluid and immune fluids.
thymus, spleen, lymphatic nodes
appendix, tonsils, adenoids
red bone marrow...
all combat illness.

The invaders are often referred to as antigens (anti-creation) or pathogens (disease-creation) or just germs. these micro-organisms include bacteria, viruses, fungi, pollen, cancer cells, etc.

your immune system is designed to kill and dispose of any of these foriegn bodies.

its two main jobs include surveillance and action.

it checks blood and body for invaders and if it detects any, it goes into action.

very basically, monocytes or macrophages attack viciously to kill and eat up any substance that isn't you. other immune cells also have their specific jobs to do in killing the invador.

t cells work together with b cells by excreting certain immune fluids that intereferes with the pathogens ability to replicate and reproduce. these immune chemicals also activate t killer cells which increase the communication ability between immune cells and even help protect your body's healthy cells that have not been infected by making them more resistant to the pathogen.

some of these fluids releases by the macrophages tell your body to increase its temperature. this process is called leukotaxis. its purpose is to speed up the rate at which your white blood cells can move through your blood stream and your body. for every degree of temperature rise in your body, the speed at which these white blood cells can travel is douboed.

this proves that reducing fevers with drugs goes directly against what your body is doing and inhibits and reduces the ability of your immune system to heal you.


DONT USE DRUGS TO REDUCE TEMPERATURE BECAUSE IT INTERFERES WITH YOUR WHITE BLOOD CELLS KILLING OFF WHATEVER PATHOGEN IS CAUSING DIS-EASE. (to an extent, obviously. you don't want your temp to get too high...but a little fever is good).

the t cells and b cells attack the invader by creating and excreting a poison (antibody) that is specifically lethal to the invader.

we are what we think.

using neuro-peptide receptors, our immune system is listening to and reacting to our emotional dialog.


whoops! i mean....

9 effective cold and flu prevention tips
1. avoid sick people and crowds

2. start preventative natural medicine
--> keep your blood rich with nutrients. these nutrients are your body's building blocks that it needs to bu9ild all imuune cells, which wage war against the invaders.
the best way is by eating plenty of organic, live, fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts and sprouts...basicaly a healthy and vital vegan food program.

3. clean the air
-->air purifier, fresh air, masks or scarves

4. wash your hands more often

5. keep your fingers out of your nose, mouth, and eyes

6. keep warm and don't get a chill

7. get more movement and sun
--> your immune system does not have a pump like your blood circulation has your heart. it totally depends on you moving your body to massage and pump your white blood immune cells around your body. no movement is no immune circulation.
try yoga or deep breathing...stretching and sex... an hour a day.

8. get your eight hours of sleep
-->lack of sleep can double your chances of getting an infection when exposed to it.

9. avoid negativity

okay. feel it coming on..the itchy and scratchy show...the dreaded sickness.


once you have had contact with the bacteria or virus, the pathogens start multiplying in your body after a few hours.

the quicker you can start the natural defensive health and immune building, the better cheddar.

So here's what to do...

8 steps of aggressive purification

1. stop eating
--> it takes alot of blood and a lot of your body's energy to process, digest, assimilate and eliminate food. instead, all of this energy can be utilized by your body and immune system. get out the juicer and start juicing, stay on pure water, herbal teas, and fresh fruit and vegetables...a vegan diet.

2. start drinking
--> 16 oz. of water and fresh organic fruit juice. lemon juice with a few pinches of cayenne pepper.

3. herbs.
--> echinacea. it is a powerful immune system stiumulant. habanero peppers makes the echinacea work much faster and stronger, and garlic kills harmful pathogens.
raw garlic specifically.

4. hot and cold therapy
--> okay heres what you do. run a hot bath (as hot as you can stand) and bring in a large cup of tea with a sprinkle of cayenne pepper. sit in the bath for 15 to 20 minutes and keep putting hot water in so that it doesn't cool down. you wanna sweat here. drain the bath and alternate hot and cold shower temperatures several times. hot water relaxes you and loosens your muscles. cold water stiumulates you and contracts the muscles. the reasoning behind this is that you are bringing the blood to the surface of your body, then driving it back to the center core of your body.this alternation of hot to cold is the most powerful form of moving your blood and lymphatic fluid. k. get in some sweats and go to bed.

5. crack a window...
-->if you don't live in montana during the winter time.

6. stay positive
--> its that mind body thing.

7. enema
--> at least consider it. ideally, you want to flush accumulated waste and toxins out of your body.

8. potassium broth
--> the vegetables are powerfully alkalinizing to your body, which assists your body to eliminate mucous, acids, waste, toxins and poisons. it is a natural mineral flush for your blood and body.
once you have made it, sip it warm for a few days.
potassium broth recipe
*fill a large pot up to a few inches below the top with:
%25 potato peels
%25 chopped whole beets and carrots
%25 garlic and white onions
%25 dark greens (beet greens, kale, collard, spinich, etc)
-add a few hot peppers
-add enough distilled water to just cover veggies and simmer on very low for one to four hours. do not boil.
-strain and drink only the broth.
-use only organic veggies. we are flushing OUT the body here.
other ideas...
throat spray and chest rub

this should have you back to yourself in no time at all....

salud to good health