Tuesday, January 4, 2011

eightfold path

according to Siddhartha Gauatama, these eight practices are meant to free indiduals from suffering. these guidelines are meant to help free up an individual from attachments (addictions) and delusional thinking...to capture truth from the world. without practice, all efforts are futile.

these eight steps are not sequential, but independently work with eachother.

one. right views.
to see things as they really are. impermanent. imperfect. that suffering has a cure.

two. right intentions.
focusing our mental energy on controlling our actions. commitment to ethical and mental self-improvement. intention of good will.

three. right speech.
words can make or break. no lies. no gossip. no slander. tell the truth. speak warmly, gently, and only when necessary.

four. right conduct.
unwholesome actions lead to unwholesome states of mind. don't kill. don't steal. don't engage in sexual misconduct.

five. right livelihood.
righteous living. not dealing in weapons. no dealings with living beings (prostitution, slaughter). not working in meat production. no selling of intoxicants.

six. right effort.
wholesome mental energy. self discipline, honesty, benevolence, kindness.

seven. right mindfulness.
seeing things with clear consciousness. actively observing and controlling where our thoughts go. contemplation of body, feeling, state of mind, and phenomena.

eight. right concentration.