Wednesday, January 5, 2011

nutritional happiness

~good morning everyone~

i just so happen to believe that, as we mosey along through our lives, we are all ultimately striving for one thing.

long-lasting happiness.

i am not talking temporary happiness, which can be gained by drugs, alcohol, medication, promiscuous sex, on and on. these temporary highs are followed, without fail, by painful lows.

i don't want lows, if i can help it.

i want highs, natural highs, that i produce within myself.

as far as health is concerned, i am a ginormous advocate of psychosomatic medicine,the interrelationship between psychological and biological factors in human health and disease, the connection between mind and body.

in fact, i think it is paramount

so, we want long-lasting happiness.
there are alot of factors out there that are out of our control in terms of attaining optimal well-being.
for instance,
~genetics (inherited genes that play roles in setting the stage for depression)
~age (attempted suicide rates peak during the adolescent years)
~gender (woman are 2 to 3 times more likely to have depression than men)
~ethnicity (hispanic and black adolescents report more depression than white adolescents)
~family history of depression (a study showed that children whose parents suffered from major depression were nine times more likely to be depressed than children from unaffected families)

so why don't we focus on things within our control?

like nutrition.

There is a direct relationship between the food we eat and the way we feel.

Serotonin is one of those "feel good" chemicals in our brains.
Low serotonin levels in the brain are a contributing factor to depression.
Serotonin is NOT found in any food or food supplements, it can only be manufactured by the body.

The body needs raw materials to make serotonin.
One of these materials is the amino acid known as tryptophan.

foods with alot of tryptophan:
~flax seeds
~pumpkin seeds

Another nutrient you want in your arsenal is OMEGA-3 fat.
Mental effects of Omega-3 deficiency include:
~higher risk of depression
~lower IQ

foods with alot of omega-3
~FISH OIL supplement
~flaxseed oil

Folic Acid.
Depression can be caused or worsened by insufficient blood levels of a B vitamin called folic acid, or folate.
Raising the folic acid level by diet will typically cure certain forms of depression!

foods with alot of folate
~kidney beans

Vitamin B12.
Deficiencies of this vitamin result in poor coordination, frequent forgetfulness, and depression.

food that has B12
~soy milk
~dry cereal

So we should all really think about making a conscious effort to provide ourselves with dietary nutrients including tryptophan, omega-3 fats, B12 vitamin, and folic acid. in doing so, we are being an active participant in achieving what we all really want, a sense of well-being, naturally.