Friday, July 3, 2009

solace in cotton candy

fourth of july. independencee day. 1776.  the legal separation of american colonies from great britain.  
the day was spent in a makeshift comical little tribute of a fair in costa rica this year. only those with american passports could partake. 4 dollars, all you can drink and eat, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. so, this morning, beer in one hand and a breakfast bagel in the other...i couldn't help but look around and think....what a bunch of pompous assholes.  blissful ignorance. i will gladly celebrate and honor my independence. but the flag, the pledge of allegiance, the star spangled banner...and the cultural emptiness of it all makes me nauseous. the nausea could have been caused by the 6 beers and cotton candy, granted.

fantasia: A continuous composition, not divided into what are called movements, or governed by the ordinary rules of musical design, but in which the author's fancy roves unrestricted by set form.

costa rican national anthem....

Noble homeland, your beautiful flag

Expresses for us your life,

Under the limpid blue of your skies,

Peace reigns, white and pure.

In the tenacious battle of fruitful toil,

That brings a glow to men's faces,

Your sons, simple farm hands,

Gained eternal renown, esteem and honour.

Hail, gentle country!

Hail, loving mother!

If anyone should attempt to besmirch your glory,

You will see your people, valiant and virile,

Exchange their rustic tools for weapons.

Hail, O homeland! Your prodigal soil

Gives us sweet sustenance and shelter.

Under the limpid blue of your sky,

May peaceful labour ever continue.