Wednesday, June 24, 2009

shadow boxing

lifes many obstacles. i feel like i am on a battlefield sometimes. armed only with what sense i have managed to gain in my 28 years of existence.
advancing, making progress...summiting the mountain...skyward bound. when i say progress, i mean making my desires a reality....
and then. bam. hit with a blow that could literally send me reeling back to all those places i have already passed, to all those emotions i have already dealt with. to a time of weakness and confusion, of sadness really.
that saying..if you do not learn from your past, you are doomed to repeat it?
i agree with that.
we are always facing obstacles. every one of us in our own individual ways. i suppose its what we make of these unrelentless we learn from them, and how we use them to propel us forward, skyward.
i am trying to summon everything that i have to really embody the idea that, what i have come to know as obstacles... are really lessons and ultimately blessings, that refine me and teach me about who i am and what i am made of.
in that sense, lifes many blessings.....