Monday, March 8, 2010

my 6 a.m. morning walk was lined with bedazzled icecrystals, crisscrossing in every pattern concievable. snow is melting. the green grass, still befuddled from its winter hibernation, is peering through at every corner....wondering if it is safe to stay. mudpuddles lurk, awaiting their distracted victems. the air smells fresh, not like rain, but like prospective rain.
on my way home, jumping puddles, i noticed the icecrystals were fading, undoubtedly being repressed by the throws of the sun. aww, i will trade one for the other.
with the sun on my face, coercing my faded freckles, i stopped. and listened. birds. a conglomerate of different sounding chirps, crisscrossing in every pattern concievable. hmmm... and so it goes.
have a great day everyone!